Call for Returning Mentors

The call for returning mentors is open!

We invite past students of the IHPCSS to apply to be mentors at the 2020 Summer School in Toronto, Canada. Your Summer School, academic, and non-academic experiences and perspective would be very valuable in helping this year’s students make meaningful connections and get the most out of the Summer School. As a returning mentor you will be expected to provide insight based on your experiences since you attended the Summer School, and to provide mentoring on a range of subjects such as finishing your dissertation/thesis, getting a job or moving between countries. In addition to mentorship, your responsibilities will include giving a brief talk about your work and career, running the poster sessions and assisting students during hands-on sessions.

We are looking for returnees who currently reside in the U.S., Canada, Europe, or Japan. Preference will be given to applicants who have not served as returning mentors in 2018 or 2019, and to applicants who have had a change in career stage (grads that are now post-docs or have a professional position, post-docs who are now faculty or have a professional position, etc.) since they attended the Summer School. You will be expected to attend the entire Summer School, Sunday evening thru Friday afternoon. Travel, lodging, and food expenses will be paid by the Summer School.

Given the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, we have not yet decided if the Summer School will be held in-person in Toronto in July, will be virtual, or will be canceled in 2020. The organizing committee is expecting to make a decision by mid-April as to what form the Summer School will take. We will keep you notified of any developments.

If you’re interested in serving as a mentor, please follow the link below to complete your application. Applications are due at midnight AOE on April 10, 2020. Selected applicants will be informed by the end of May.

If you have any questions, please contact Scott Callaghan at, Elsa Gonsiorowski at, or Weronika Filinger at We hope to see some of you this summer!

Apply to Call for Returning Mentors, Int. HPC Summer School 2020